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hs-list-t ListT done right
hs-ListLike Generalized support for list-like structures
hs-logict Backtracking logic-programming monad
hs-lpeg Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua
hs-lsp Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol
hs-lsp-test Functional test framework for LSP servers
hs-lsp-types Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol, data types
hs-lukko File locking
hs-managed Monad for managed values
hs-memory Memory and related abstraction stuff
hs-memotrie Trie-based memo functions
hs-microlens Tiny lens library with no dependencies
hs-microlens-ghc Microlens + array, bytestring, containers, transformers
hs-microlens-mtl Microlens support for Reader/Writer/State from mtl
hs-microlens-platform Microlens + all batteries included (best for apps)
hs-microlens-th Automatic generation of record lenses for microlens
hs-mmap Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows
hs-mmorph Monad morphisms
hs-monad-control Lift control operations through monad transformers
hs-monad-dijkstra Monad transformer for weighted graph searches
hs-monad-logger Class of monads which can log messages
hs-monad-loops Monadic loops
hs-MonadRandom Random-number generation monad
hs-mono-traversable Type classes for traversing monomorphic containers
hs-mono-traversable-instances Extra typeclass instances for mono-traversable
hs-monoidal-containers Containers with monoidal accumulation
hs-mtl-compat Backported Control.Monad.Except module from mtl
hs-mutable-containers Abstactions and concrete implementations of mutable containers
hs-newtype Typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes
hs-newtype-generics Typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes
hs-old-locale Locale library
hs-OneTuple Singleton Tuple
hs-Only The 1-tuple type or single-value collection
hs-operational Implementing monads with operational semantics
hs-optional-args Optional function arguments
hs-optparse-applicative Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options
hs-optparse-simple Simple interface to optparse-applicative
hs-ordered-containers Set- and Map-like types that remember the order elements were inserted
hs-pandoc-lua-marshal Use pandoc types in Lua
hs-parallel Parallel programming library
hs-parser-combinators Commonly useful parser combinators
hs-pattern-arrows Arrows for Pretty Printing
hs-persistent Type-safe, multi-backend data serialization
hs-persistent-template Type-safe, non-relational, multi-backend persistence
hs-pointed Pointed and copointed data
hs-pretty-show Tools for working with derived Show instances
hs-pretty-simple Pretty printer for data types with a 'Show' instance
hs-prettyclass Pretty printing class similar to Show
hs-primitive Primitive memory-related operations
hs-primitive-addr Addresses to unmanaged memory
hs-primitive-extras Extras for the primitive library
hs-primitive-offset Types for offsets into unboxed arrays
hs-primitive-unlifted Primitive GHC types with unlifted types inside
hs-protolude Sensible starting Prelude for building custom Preludes
hs-psqueues Pure priority search queues
hs-QuickCheck Random testing of program properties
hs-quickcheck-instances Common quickcheck instances
hs-random Random number library
hs-random-shuffle Random shuffle implementation
hs-raw-strings-qq Raw string literals for Haskell
hs-readable Reading from Text and ByteString
hs-refact Specify refactorings to perform with apply-refact
hs-reflection Reifies arbitrary terms into types
hs-relude Alternative Haskell standard library
hs-repline Haskeline wrapper for GHCi-like REPL interfaces
hs-resource-pool High-performance striped resource pooling implementation
hs-resourcet Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources
hs-retry Retry combinators for monadic actions that may fail
hs-rio Alternative standard library for Haskell
hs-rio-orphans Orphan instances for the RIO type in the rio package
hs-row-types Open Records and Variants
hs-run-st RunST without boxing penalty
hs-safe Library for safe (pattern match free) functions
hs-safe-exceptions Safe, consistent, and easy exception handling
hs-safesemaphore Much safer replacement for QSemN, QSem, and SampleVar
hs-say Send textual messages to a Handle in a thread-friendly way
hs-selective Selective applicative functors
hs-semialign Align and Zip type-classes from the common Semialign ancestor
hs-semver-range Implementation of semver and semantic version ranges
hs-serialise Binary serialisation library for Haskell values
hs-setenv Cross-platform library for setting environment variables
hs-setlocale Haskell bindings to setlocale
hs-shake Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies
hs-shelly Shell-like (systems) programming in Haskell
hs-silently Prevent or capture writing to stdout and other handles
hs-singleton-bool Type level booleans
hs-slist Sized list
hs-some Existential type: Some
hs-sop-core True Sums of Products
hs-sorted-list Type-enforced sorted lists and related functions
hs-split Combinator library for splitting lists
hs-splitmix Fast Splittable PRNG
hs-StateVar Abstraction over state variables
hs-stm-chans Additional types of channels for STM
hs-stm-containers Containers for STM
hs-stm-hamt STM-specialised Hash Array Mapped Trie
hs-storable-record Elegant definition of Storable instances for records
hs-storable-tuple Storable instance for pairs and triples
hs-streaming-commons Common lower-level functions for various streaming data libraries
hs-strict Strict data types and String IO